
all medical missions

This category is for all Medical Volunteer posts.

Uziel, “Lady Killer”

06/28/2017 | Lima, Peru

Uziel, “Lady Killer” Guest blog post by Scott Behmer, Smile Network trekker and volunteer. Uziel’s parents are a bit of an unlikely couple, but their shared love for their son was clear. Dads weren’t scarce on registration day, but were far out numbered by moms, aunts and grandmothers. I enjoyed watching Uziel lay in his […]

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Callie & Cesia

06/27/2017 | Lima, Peru

Callie & Cesia Guest blog post by Callie Egland, Smile Network volunteer and trekker. This is Cesia! The happiest little baby! She did not have the familiar “cleft lip” but instead a cleft palate – where the roof of her mouth opens directly to her nasal cavity. Without surgery, her speech would be 80% unintelligible. […]

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06/26/2017 | Lima, Peru

Naomi Guest blog post by Scott Behmer, Smile Network trekker and volunteer. Uziel’s parents are a bit of an unlikely couple, but their shared love for their son was clear. Dads weren’t scarce on registration day, but were far out numbered by moms, aunts and grandmothers. I enjoyed watching Uziel lay in his dad’s arms, […]

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