
international surgical campaigns

Smile Network International relies on the generous time and talents of volunteer medical professionals to provide life-changing surgeries throughout the world. The following volunteer positions are staffed for each surgical campaign: Plastic Surgeon, Pediatrician,  Anesthesia Provider , Ward Nurse, PACU Nurse, OR Nurse, Medical Records.

Campaigns are staffed up to two years in advance.

Past Surgical Campaigns

Mexico City, Mexico : March 31-April 8, 2023

Acapulco, Mexico: May 5-13, 2023

Upcoming Surgical Campaigns

Chapala, Mexico: May 10-18, 2024

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico: 2025

medical missions blog

There are so many reasons people give their time and talents. In their own words, learn why our efforts are so impactful to the medical personnel who help us deliver life-changing procedures to children and families they’ve never met.

Uziel, “Lady Killer”

06/28/2017 | Lima, Peru

Uziel, “Lady Killer” Guest blog post by Scott Behmer, Smile Network trekker and volunteer. Uziel’s parents are a bit of an unlikely couple, but their shared love for their son was clear. Dads weren’t scarce on registration day, but were far out numbered by moms, aunts and grandmothers. I enjoyed watching Uziel lay in his […]

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Callie & Cesia

06/27/2017 | Lima, Peru

Callie & Cesia Guest blog post by Callie Egland, Smile Network volunteer and trekker. This is Cesia! The happiest little baby! She did not have the familiar “cleft lip” but instead a cleft palate – where the roof of her mouth opens directly to her nasal cavity. Without surgery, her speech would be 80% unintelligible. […]

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